
Bringing together community through clay.

The Leach Pottery works in partnership with local charities and organisations to offer creative workshops to all. These enable participants, who would otherwise face barriers accessing the Leach Pottery independently, to engage with the art, ideas and making of Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada and the many potters who have contributed to the pottery’s development. The programme enables the development of new and transferable skills, qualifications and rehabilitation.

The Leach Pottery welcomes Community groups for museum tours and workshops. Participants discover the story of the Leach Pottery followed by a creative workshop in the studio where ceramics will be made and fired. Workshops can also take place offsite.

See more about our projects and partnerships below. Please contact to find out more.

Community Studio Afternoons A supportive and creative afternoon club for community programme participants

Mud Club Studio Evenings (Ages 18 - 25) Free tutored creative evening workshops for local young people.

St Ives School of Painting: Culture Camp Young people from schools, pupil referral units and the Community & Hospital Education Service.

Pots for Trelya A co-produced collection of tableware for the Trelya Café by children, young people and adults

Social Prescribing: Creative workshops for patients referred from GPs at local doctor’s surgeries.

People & Pottery: Co-production A community informed exhibition & co-produced pottery collection.

Sensory Trust: Wednesday Wanderers
A creative walking, nature and ceramic project for people living with dementia and their carers.

Past community projects.