Take part in our journey and find out about what we have already done
We have been working for many years on understanding our audience and local community needs, so we can strive to make the site world class.
Our future development focusses on making the site accessible to all and an asset to the local community. We want to expand our learning and training programmes and offer many more employment opportunities.
Your voice counts, join the Pottery Development Forum
We have created a group for anyone who wants to help us get the best from our project. If you would like to find out more and are interested in joining the Pottery Development Forum, please contact Libby Buckley:
For updates on the project sign up to our newsletter here.
New Learning Studio
The conversation so far
Consultation Survey of over 1200 people
We captured information about what audiences wanted to see at Leach Pottery, you can read the results here:
Audience Consultation & Survey in Full
We spoke to wider stakeholders
We have been working with a wide range of organisations who have helped shape our plans, these include:
English Heritage
The 20th Century Society
Disability Cornwall
Environment Agency
Cornwall Council departments including: (Town Deal, Properties as our site is owned by Cornwall Council, Culture Team, Historic Environment and planning officers)
Potential funders such as the Arts Council and the National Lottery Heritage Fund
Annual surveys and feedback
Every year we undertake a survey of visitors supported by Audience Finder and we collect feedback from participants on our courses and workshops.
Previous in person consultation and presentations
Consultation session with Architect and Director, August 2022
Presentation to St Ives Town Deal, 2022
St Ives September Festival - talk and presentation of plans, September 2022
Presentation to St Ives Town Council, December 2022
Pre-application submission to the Cornwall Council planning department including an onsite meeting with Historic Environment advisor