FAQs: Courses
Q: What are our Terms and Conditions for booking a course?
A: You can view our Terms & Conditions here.
Q: How do I find out about new courses and additional course dates?
A: Please sign up to our free membership to receive our newsletter which will contain course announcements and any last minute availability on courses. Additionally, follow us on Social Media: Facebook @leachpottery Instagram:@theleachpottery Twitter:@leachpottery for cancellation updates and last minute availability.
Q: Which Throwing Course would best suit my ability?
A: The 3 and 5 Day Throwing Courses are designed for those with beginner to intermediate abilities. We consider a beginner anyone who can’t centre their clay or confidently pull a cylinder. Our Specialist Skills courses are aimed at those with more advanced abilities. Advanced abilities include; centering well, producing cylinders, and achieving the forms that you aim for.
Q: I’m already booked on to a Throwing Course but would like to change the date. Can I be put on a waiting list?
A: Please sign up to our free membership to receive our newsletter which will contain course announcements and any last minute availability, you can sign up here. If a place becomes available for an alternative date to the one you have booked, we advise you to book the alternative date via our website, then contact us immediately to advise. Please note our Cancellation Policy will apply, you can view it here
Q: When will I receive my pot?
A: It can take up to 12 weeks for your piece to be glazed, fired and posted. Please take in to consideration non-working periods such as weekends and Bank Holidays.
Q: Is accommodation provided?
A: Accommodation is not provided, here is a useful link for various accommodation options Visitor Information Centre - St Ives Cornwall (stives-cornwall.co.uk)
Q: What do I need to bring with me for a 3 and 5 Day Throwing Course?
A: Leach Pottery stoneware clay and a basic tool kit is provided, bring your own tools if you wish. Additionally, please bring your own apron and towel.
Q: Am I allowed to take work home?
A: On the 3 and 5 Day Throwing Courses, you will select a final piece, within the footprint of 20 x 20 x 20cm to be glazed and fired by the Leach Pottery. You are welcome to take one or two unfired pieces home with you, please bring a box and packing material, for the safe transport of unfired work.
Q: Is lunch provided?
A: Lunch is not provided, students are asked to bring a packed lunch. There is a small Co-op a 5 minute walk from the Leach Pottery.
Q: What are my travelling options to the Leach Pottery?
A: If travelling by car, it’s worth noting that during busy times of the year, traffic can be slow in and around St. Ives. Please plan your journey accordingly. The closest petrol station is Texaco, St. Erth, TR27 6JW 3.3 miles from the Leach Pottery.
St. Ives bus station is a 20 minute walk from the Leach Pottery. For more information please visit www.firstbus.co.uk
The number 16 and 16A buses stop just outside Leach Pottery Beagle Cross gate: they go towards Penzance via Nancledra.
If arriving by train, you will change at St. Erth and catch the Bay line to St. Ives.
St. Ives railway station is about a 25 minute walk from the Leach Pottery.
Great Western Railway serve Cornwall railway stations. Please plan your visit using www.nationalrail.co.uk
At busy times of year consider using the Park and Ride from St Erth Railway Station: St Erth - Park & Ride by train for St Ives (greatscenicrailways.co.uk)
Q: Do you have information about the local amenities?
A: Yes, local information for Leach Pottery courses at the Leach site can be accessed here.
If you have any further questions please contact charmaine.orkamfat@leachpottery.com