Russell Gibbs
Russell Gibbs
Russell was first introduced to pottery at Rochdale College of Art in 1984. He then went on to Cumbria College of Art & Design to undertake an HND in Ceramics under the tuition of Jim Malone and Mike Dodd. Whilst studying, Russell also sought out work placements with Colin Pearson, Byron Temple in the USA, and Peter Strong.
A traditional five-year apprenticeship followed with Peter Strong, in production flower pot and big ware throwing. He then became what you might call a ‘journeyman potter’, by working for numerous potteries in the UK and Europe for several years, before settling on the Lizard peninsular in Cornwall.
Russell has always worked in earthenware using the traditional techniques of slipware decoration on raw glazed once-fired pots, which are fired in oxidization to 1120°C. He takes influences from the Leach tradition of East and West, and the Korean and Japanese techniques of hakeme and Oribe styles, but his work is always developing. Russell also produces a more traditional slipware range, for domestic use, based on T.G. Green’s Cornish ware.
In 2020 Russell opened his Studio workshop in Cheddar Gorge, where he works with Whichford Pottery earthenware clay. Pots are fired in an electric kiln at 1060 degrees with white slip, using honey and green glazes, in a hakeme/Tang style.